Zero Waste Programs

Since 2007, 韦德体育全新官网注册官方 has operated zero waste programs funded by the NYC Department of Sanitation, educating tens of thousands of city residents and property owners about conservation and providing hands-on resources any New Yorker can participate in like composting, clothing collections, free reuse events, and more.

Much of our programming was suspended or cancelled in March 2020 due to the pandemic but we are thrilled to bring back our extensive network of food scrap drop-off sites and clothing collections (operated by Wearable Collection), and we've set an ambitious goal to hold a Stop 'N' Swap® event in a majority of community districts in NYC every year

The report highlights 韦德体育全新官网注册官方’s work to provide New Yorkers with solutions and opportunities to live a more sustainable life and accelerate climate action.